
Off the Coast of Nachi - The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one's sleep by Heike biwa

(Written on September 12th)
Thanks to everyone, the September 24th event has now sold out. We apologize for any inconvenience caused, but please understand that there will be no additional tickets available.

Please be careful of the volume.
Time: 4 minutes 28 seconds
Recording: August 27, 2024 (live)
As the sound of the venue has been left as it is, there are some parts that are difficult to listen to.

Narration (The recitation is spoken in a plain voice, as part of the concert’s structure)
yokobue konoyoshiwotsutaekiite warewokososuteme samawosae kaekerukotonourameshisayo tatoeyowobasomukutomo nadokahakakutoshirasezarubeki tazunete imaichidouramibayatoomoi arukuregatani hisokanidairiwobamagireidete saganokataezo akogarekeru korowaninga toukaamarinokotonareba umezunosatonoharukazeni yosononioimonatsukashiu

Modern translation
Yokobue heard about this and thought, “I am resentful that he left me and became a priest. Even if he was leaving the world, why didn’t he tell me? I want to go and visit him and clear the air once and for all.” With these thoughts, he left the capital one evening and headed towards Saga. It was after the 10th of the second month, and the spring breeze in the village of Umezu made him nostalgic for the smells of the outside world.

Audio only
Heikyoku “Koremorijusui”
Please be careful with the volume
Recorded: August 3, 2024
5 minutes 55 seconds

setsugatokubujippoushujoshishinshingyoyokushogakokunaishijiunenfushusougaku totonaetareba ichinenjiunennotanomiari tadakonooshiewofukakushinjite yumeyumeutagaiwonashitamawade muninokonnennwoitashite moshiwaippenmo moshihajippennmo tonaetamoumononaraba midanyorai rokujiumannokunayutagougashanoonmiwotsuzume jyourokuhassyakunoonkatachinite kannonseishimushinoshouju kebutsu bosatsu hyakujiu senjiuniinyoushi gigakayoujite tadaimagokurakunotoumonwoidete raigouinnjyoushitamawannzureba onnmikososoukainosokoni shizumutooboshimesarutomo shiunnoueni noboritamoubeshi jyobutokudashitesatoriwohirakitamainaba shabanokokyounitachikaette saishiwomichibikitamawankoto genraiekokudoninden

Modern translation
It is said that if, when I become a Buddha, all sentient beings in all directions sincerely believe and wish to be born in my Pure Land, and if they chant the name of the Buddha ten times with that wish, and if that person does not get born, then I will not become a Buddha. For this reason, it is important to have faith in the tenfold repetition of the name of the Buddha. However, you must believe in this teaching deeply and never doubt it. If you chant it with all your heart, even if it’s just once or ten times, Amida Nyorai will shrink his 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 Therefore, even if you think you are sinking to the bottom of the sea, you can still rise to the purple clouds. If you become a Buddha and attain enlightenment, you will be able to return to this world and guide your wife and children. Returning to the world to save others

Tale of the Heike, Volume 10: "Yokobue" (Modern Translation) Synopsis

About this concert
The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep, is a concert where you can listen to Heikyoku, a recitation of The Tale of the Heike accompanied by Heike biwa, while lying down in bed. Why not escape from your everyday life and enter the world of The Tale of the Heike? You may feel sleepy from the difficult words and the sound of the music, but it’s okay if you fall asleep. The sound of the Heike biwa and the voice of the narrator are the stage setting. Please create the scenery of the story in your mind.
The Heike Monogatari (Tale of the Heike) chapters “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui” from the tenth volume, which will be performed at this concert, “At the Shore of Nachi”, may be less familiar to you than “NasunoYoichi” and “Atsumorisaigo”. Koremorijusui is the story of Tairano Koremori’s suicide by drowning off the coast of Nachi, and Yokobue is the story of Takiguchi Nyudo, who recited Buddhist prayers as he drowned. Both of these pieces depict the liberation from the suffering of this world and spiritual sublimation. They are a little long, so you might want to read the synopsis at the link below before coming to the concert. Due to time constraints, we will not be able to perform the entire piece, but we hope to take you as far as we can into the world of the Heike Monogatari.

Off the Coast of Nachi.
Heikyoku (Heike biwa accompaniment to the Tale of the Heike), Volume 10 “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui” will be narrated. Each story depicts liberation from the suffering of this world and spiritual sublimation. Tokiyori and Yokobue’s story is one of spiritual growth and liberation in the form of ordination, while Koremori, by ending his own life, chooses the path to enlightenment by severing his unresolved feelings for his family and friends.

The Tale of the Heike, Vol. 10 “Yokobue” Synopsis
TairanoKoremori, conflicted by his feelings for the family he had left behind in the capital, left Yashima for Koyasan (Mt. Koya). There he meets Takiguchi Irimichi (Saito Takiguchi Tokiyori), a man who had feelings for Yokobue, a woman he once loved, but who had gone on to become a Buddhist monk because of his family’s opposition. This is the story of Takiguchi Irimichi, who was seeing Koremori off at the end of his life, and Yokobue, the woman who inspired him to become a Buddhist.

Complete Synopsis of “Yokobue” translated from the modern language

The Tale of the Heike, Vol. 10 “Koremorijusui” Synopsis
TairanoKoremori and his men, after paying homage to the three mountains of Kumano, proceeded to the sea. Takiguchi Koremorijusui, who saw Koremori tormented by his feelings for his family before he entered the water, wiped away his tears and pretended to be normal as he explained to Koremorijusui. The story depicts the final moments of Koremori’s life, in which he breaks away from his regrets and chooses the path of enlightenment.

Koremorijusui Complete Synopsis in Modern Japanese Translation

【Summary of the event on September 24th】*Sold out
Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural Festival Participation Program
The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike Biwa, listened to in one’s sleep
Date: Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:00 (Doors open at 12:40)
Capacity: 6 people
Program: The Tale of the Heike, Vol. 10 “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui
Type: The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep (brief commentary, followed by performance and narration by Heike biwa)
*Please take off your shoes before entering this venue. Yoga mats are available.
Fee: 2,200 yen (tax included)
Payment: Pre-payment (credit card payment via the reservation site)
Application deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024
Click here to apply:https://select-type.com/ev/?ev=toxi6BQDJCE

1-15 Aioi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
7-minute walk from Kannai Station on the Blue Line
5-minute walk from Nihon-odori Station on the Minatomirai Line
The entrance is on the left side of the building, facing the large road and the Hotto Motto restaurant.
There is also an entrance in a narrow alley, but please note that you cannot enter or exit from there.

This concert is by reservation only. We apologize, but if you have not applied by the day before, you will not be able to enter even if you come to the venue on the day. In addition, for the quality of the performance and the experience of our customers, we will not admit you after the performance starts. Please understand.