

Information we obtain from you
We obtain the following information from you when you send us an inquiry e-mail

Full name (including nicknames and pen names)
E-mail address

Purposes for which we use your information
We use the information we obtain from you for the following purposes

To respond to inquiries from customers
To notify you of changes to, discontinuation of, or termination of our services
To notify you of changes to our terms and conditions, etc.
In addition to the above, to provide, maintain, protect and improve our services

Measures taken for safety management
Regarding the measures we have taken for the security management of the information we have obtained from our customers, we will respond to each customer individually in accordance with the provisions of the law, if you contact us using the contact information listed at the end of this document.

Use of Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect and analyze your visit history. The collected data is managed in accordance with Google’s privacy policy.

Regarding Relationships with Political Organizations, etc.
This website and the concerts are not affiliated with any particular political groups or movements. The personal opinions of visitors expressed on social networking sites, blogs, etc. do not reflect the position or intentions of this organization.

Privacy Policy Changes
We may change the content of this Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary. In such cases, we will notify you of the effective date and content of the revised privacy policy by appropriate means.

Contact Us
If you wish to disclose your information, correct or delete your information, please contact us at the following e-mail address.
e-mail info@morinorijapan.com
In such cases, we will always confirm that the request is made by the person himself/herself by presenting a driver’s license or other method designated by us. A fee of 1,000 yen per request for disclosure of information will be charged at the time of application, regardless of whether or not disclosure is requested.

Operated by BRIGADE Corporation
Representative: Noriko Sakai
Address of business: 2-5-1 Kugenuma Ishigami, Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Date of enactment: November 01, 2023
Date of revision: June 18, 2024