
Frequently Asked Questions

About the Biwa

Can you teach me Heike biwa?

We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are unable to teach MORINORI to anyone. Also, we have no plans to do so at the moment, so please understand. The MORINORI reading course is a course for reading the Tale of the Heike aloud, but it does not teach how to narrate Heikyoku or how to project one’s voice. Please understand.

I want to learn how to play the biwa. What should I do?

Thank you for your interest in the biwa. Please ask the person or place that sparked your interest directly. We also recommend that you visit the Japan Biwa Music Association website to see information about concerts.

Japan Biwa Music Association

Regarding requests

Can I ask you about Heike biwa performances?



[Contact Information and Inquiries]

Please tell me the contact details for MORINORI.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but please direct any inquiries regarding the schedule, etc. to the event management office. We are unable to provide personal contact information for MORINORI. Please understand that we will not be able to answer any questions you may have at the venue.

WEB: https://brigadejapan.com
MAIL: info@brigadejapan.com SNSはやっていますかDo you have a social networking service?申し訳ございませんがSNS(Facebook、Instagram、Xなど)を行う予定は今のところありません。お手数をおかけしますが講座などの最新情報は当サイトまたは以下よりご確認ください。



https://stand.fm/channels/661cb5bef95ea2f8e4af102cWe are sorry, but we currently have no plans to use social networking services (Facebook, Instagram, X, etc.). We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check this site or the following for the latest information on courses, etc.

MORINORI website (this is the fastest to be updated)

note (useful for those who use the note app)

stand.fm (audio distribution of blog content)
https://stand.fm/channels/661cb5bef95ea2f8e4af102chttps://morinorijapan.comhttps://morinorijapan.comhttps://note.com/morinorijapan/https://note.com/morinorijapan/https://stand.fm/channels/661cb5bef95ea2f8e4af102chttps://stand.fm/channels/661cb5bef95ea2f8e4af102c_blank_blanknoreferrer noopenernoreferrer noopener_blank_blanknoreferrer noopenernoreferrer noopener_blank_blanknoreferrer noopenernoreferrer noopener問い合せメールの返信がありませんI haven’t received a reply to my inquiry email.申し訳ございませんが内容を確認次第、追ってご連絡いたしますのでしばらくお待ちください。土日祝祭日および演奏日にご連絡いただいた場合は通常よりお返事までにお時間を要します。また内容によってはお返事が出来ない場合もありますので何卒ご容赦ください。I’m sorry, but please wait a while as we will contact you as soon as we have checked the details. If you contact us on weekends, public holidays or performance days, it will take longer than usual for us to reply. Please understand that we may not be able to reply depending on the content.【領収書について】About the receipt.領収書は発行されますかWill a receipt be issued?お申込み完了時(クレジットカード決済完了時)にメールで領収書を発行しています。運営の株式会社BRIGADEの記載がされていますのでご確認ください。会場でのお支払いの場合は、会場で領収書をお渡しします。A receipt will be issued by e-mail upon completion of your application (upon completion of credit card payment). Please confirm that the management of BRIGADE Co. If payment is made at the venue, a receipt will be given at the venue.適格請求書発行事業者に登録されていますかAre you registered as a Qualified Invoicing Business?はい、登録番号はT9021001074667(株式会社 BRIGADE)となります。Yes, the registration number is T9021001074667 (BRIGADE Corporation).【言語について】About the language]英語で解説はできますか?申し込みはできますか?Can I get an explanation in English? Can I apply?大変申し訳ありませんが、英語で解説はできません。翻訳ツールを使用してメールのやり取りは可能ですが、会話することができません。ご要望を多くいただいておりますので少しずつ環境を整えて参りますが、しばらくは日本語での解説やお申込みとなりますこと何卒ご容赦ください。We are very sorry, but we cannot provide explanations in English. We can exchange e-mails using a translation tool, but we are unable to have a conversation. We have received many requests for this service, and we will gradually improve the environment, but for the time being, we ask for your understanding that explanations and applications will only be provided in Japanese.訪日インバウンド(鎌倉での観光時)に対応できますかCan you handle inbound visitors to Japan (when sightseeing in Kamakura)?ご検討ありがとうございます。英語を含め多言語でのご案内が今のところできないためお断りしていますが、ツアーアシスタントさんがいらっしゃるようでしたら対応が可能な場合もあります。お手数をおかけしますが、日程や人数、ご予算などをお知らせください。Thank you for your consideration. We are not able to offer tours in multiple languages, including English, at this time, but if you have a tour assistant, we may be able to accommodate you. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please let us know your itinerary, number of people, and budget.【平曲について】About the Heikyoku]平曲って何ですかWhat is a Heikyoku?平曲は奏者や研究者の方によって様々な考え方・捉え方があります。盛典はこのように思うという認識でお答えすることをお許しください。盛典は平曲を“平家琵琶の伴奏で平家物語を語ること”とし、平家正節(へいけまぶし)を譜面としています。平曲は日本の伝統的な語り物であり、古典文学作品「平家物語」を基にした音楽的な表現形態です。さまざまな曲節を琵琶と声で語ることで物語の情景を表現します。現代でも様々な奏者、研究家の皆さまが取り組まれていますので、ぜひ色々な方の平曲を聞いていただけたらと思います。There are various ways of thinking and understanding Heikyoku, depending on the performer or researcher. Please allow us to answer with the understanding that MORINORI thinks this way. MORINORI defines Heikyoku as “telling the Tale of the Heike to the accompaniment of the Heike biwa”, and uses the Heike Mabushi score. Heikyoku is a traditional Japanese narrative form of storytelling, and is a musical expression based on the classic literary work “Tale of the Heike”. It expresses the scenes of the story by telling various passages with the biwa and voice. Even today, various performers and researchers are working on it, so I hope you will listen to Heikyoku performed by a variety of people.他の琵琶(薩摩琵琶や筑前琵琶など)で演奏している平家物語は平曲ですかIs the Tale of the Heike played on other biwa (satsuma biwa, chikuzen biwa, etc.) a heikyoku?盛典が平曲で使用している平家正節は江戸時代に編集された墨譜で平家物語に沿っておよそ200曲程あります。私たちの認識不足でしたら大変申し訳ありませんが、薩摩琵琶や筑前琵琶でお聞きいただく祇園精舎、那須与一や敦盛などは、平家正節ではなく平家物語に各琵琶で節を付けて譜面にしたものかと思われます(中には平家正節の一部を弾いていらっしゃる方もいます)。平家琵琶のシンプルな曲節に比べると、薩摩琵琶や筑前琵琶は華やかで物語を印象的に彩る演奏が素敵です。ぜひ他の琵琶の平家物語も聞いていただけたらと思います。The Heikyoku used by MORINORI are Heike Seiboku, a collection of Heike Monogatari songs compiled during the Edo period, and there are around 200 songs in total. If we have misunderstood, we apologize, but it seems that the Gion Shoja, Nasunoyoichi and Atsumori that you hear on the Satsuma biwa and Chikuzen biwa are not Heike Seibun, but rather pieces from the Heike Monogatari that have been set to music on each biwa (some people play parts of Heike Seibun). Compared to the simple tunes of the Heike biwa, the Satsuma biwa and Chikuzen biwa are more ornate and beautifully color the story in a memorable way. I hope you will listen to other Heike monogatari performances on the biwa.祇園精舎を聞きたいのですがI’d like to ask about Gion Seisha.大変申し訳ありませんが、盛典はまだ祇園精舎を学んでいないのでできません。平曲は平物161曲・伝授物28曲・秘曲10曲となっていて、祇園精舎は秘曲のひとつです。すべての平物と伝授物を終えたあとに授けられるもので授けていただけるかどうかもまだ分かりません。平曲ではありませんが、薩摩琵琶や筑前琵琶などの様々な奏者の方が演奏されている祇園精舎はyoutubeで見つかりますので、ぜひそちらで聞いていただけたらと思います。どれも素敵です。盛典もいつか学べるように頑張っています。I’m very sorry, but I can’t do it because I haven’t yet studied Gion Shoja. There are 161 Heikyoku, 28 Denju, and 10 Hikyoku, and Gion Shoja is one of the Hikyoku. It is given after completing all the Heikyoku and Denju, and I don’t even know if I will be able to receive it. Although it is not Heikyoku, you can find Gion Shoja being performed by various performers on the Satsuma Biwa and Chikuzen Biwa on YouTube, so I hope you will listen to it there. They are all wonderful. MORINORI is also working hard so that he can learn it someday.平曲の語り方や平家琵琶を教えてくれますかCan you teach me how to narrate Heikyoku and Heike biwa?大変申し訳ありませんが盛典は平曲の語り方や平家琵琶は教えていません。何卒ご容赦ください。I’m very sorry, but MORINORI does not teach Heikyoku narration or Heike biwa. Please accept my apologies.講座と表示されているものは平家琵琶の講座ですかIs what is labeled as a course a course on the heike biwa?講座と表示されているものは、平家物語を参加者で朗読したあと、平曲をお聞きいただくものです。平家琵琶や語り方を学ぶ講座ではありません。何卒ご了承ください。Those labeled as lectures are for participants to recite the Tale of the Heike and then listen to the Heikyoku. This is not a course to learn Heike biwa or storytelling. Please understand that this is not a course to learn Heike biwa or storytelling.【講座・演奏会について】About the lecture and the concert.申込はどこからすればいいですかWhere can I apply?お手数をお掛けしますが「講座・演奏会」で表示されるページから、申し込みたいページをクリックしていただき、そのページ上部に表示される<お申込みはこちら>ボタンをクリックしてください。イベントページに遷移いたしますのでページ内の申込ボタンから必要事項をご記入ください。Please click on the page you wish to apply from the “Courses/Concerts” page, and then click the “Click here to apply” button at the top of the page. You will be redirected to the event page, so please fill out the necessary information by clicking the “Apply” button on the page.https://morinorijapan.com/lecture-and-performance-information/https://morinorijapan.com/lecture-and-performance-information/複数人(グループ)で参加を申し込みたいのですがI would like to apply for participation by more than one person (group).複数人数でのお申込みに対応いたしました。お支払いは代表者の方のクレジットカード決済となりますのでご了承ください。We are now accepting applications for more than one person. Please note that payment must be made by credit card by the representative person.電話やメールで申込はできますかCan I apply by phone or email?申し訳ありませんが、お申込みは講座・演奏会各ページから遷移するお申込みページからお願いいたします。We are sorry, but please apply from the application page that will be transferred from each course/concert page.参加をキャンセルできますかCan I cancel my participation?はい、可能です。お手数をおかけしますが開催日時1日前までに、メールに添付されているイベントページのリンク先からキャンセル手続きをしていただくか、お問い合わせよりご連絡ください。Yes, it is possible. Please contact us at least one day prior to the event date and time by clicking on the link on the event page attached to the e-mail, or by us.https://morinorijapan.com/contact/https://morinorijapan.com/contact/申込をしたのにキャンセルの連絡が来ましたI received a cancellation notice after submitting my application.大変申し訳ございませんが、過去何度もキャンセルされた方や、参加者・会場・奏者に対する迷惑行為が見つかった場合はお申込みをお断りしております。何卒ご了承ください。We are very sorry, but we will not accept applications from those who have cancelled many times in the past or those who are found to be disruptive to participants, the venue, or the performers. Thank you for your understanding.支払いはどこですればいいですかWhere can I make payment?イベントページに事前決済が付いているものは参加申込時にお支払いとなります。当日払いとなっているものは、当日会場でお支払いをお願いいたします。For those with pre-payment attached to the event page, payment will be made at the time of registration. For those with payment on the day of the event, please pay at the venue on the day of the event.どのような支払い方法がありますかWhat payment methods are available?当日の混乱を避けるため、お申込み時にクレジットカード決済でのお支払いとなります。当日現金でのお支払いが可能な会につきましては別途ご案内いたします。To avoid confusion on the day of the event, payment is to be made by credit card at the time of application. For meetings that accept cash payment on the day of the event, we will inform you separately.

Do you have a social networking service?

We are sorry, but we currently have no plans to use social networking services (Facebook, Instagram, X, etc.). We apologize for the inconvenience, but please check this site or the following for the latest information on courses, etc.

MORINORI website (this is the fastest to be updated)

note (useful for those who use the note app)

stand.fm (audio distribution of blog content)

I haven’t received a reply to my inquiry email.

I’m sorry, but please wait a while as we will contact you as soon as we have checked the details. If you contact us on weekends, public holidays or performance days, it will take longer than usual for us to reply. Please understand that we may not be able to reply depending on the content.

About the receipt.

Will a receipt be issued?

A receipt will be issued by e-mail upon completion of your application (upon completion of credit card payment). Please confirm that the management of BRIGADE Co. If payment is made at the venue, a receipt will be given at the venue.

Are you registered as a Qualified Invoicing Business?

Yes, the registration number is T9021001074667 (BRIGADE Corporation).

About the language]

Can I get an explanation in English? Can I apply?

We are very sorry, but we cannot provide explanations in English. We can exchange e-mails using a translation tool, but we are unable to have a conversation. We have received many requests for this service, and we will gradually improve the environment, but for the time being, we ask for your understanding that explanations and applications will only be provided in Japanese.

Can you handle inbound visitors to Japan (when sightseeing in Kamakura)?

Thank you for your consideration. We are not able to offer tours in multiple languages, including English, at this time, but if you have a tour assistant, we may be able to accommodate you. We apologize for the inconvenience, but please let us know your itinerary, number of people, and budget.

About the Heikyoku]

What is a Heikyoku?

There are various ways of thinking and understanding Heikyoku, depending on the performer or researcher. Please allow us to answer with the understanding that MORINORI thinks this way. MORINORI defines Heikyoku as “telling the Tale of the Heike to the accompaniment of the Heike biwa”, and uses the Heike Mabushi score. Heikyoku is a traditional Japanese narrative form of storytelling, and is a musical expression based on the classic literary work “Tale of the Heike”. It expresses the scenes of the story by telling various passages with the biwa and voice. Even today, various performers and researchers are working on it, so I hope you will listen to Heikyoku performed by a variety of people.

Is the Tale of the Heike played on other biwa (satsuma biwa, chikuzen biwa, etc.) a heikyoku?

The Heikyoku used by MORINORI are Heike Seiboku, a collection of Heike Monogatari songs compiled during the Edo period, and there are around 200 songs in total. If we have misunderstood, we apologize, but it seems that the Gion Shoja, Nasunoyoichi and Atsumori that you hear on the Satsuma biwa and Chikuzen biwa are not Heike Seibun, but rather pieces from the Heike Monogatari that have been set to music on each biwa (some people play parts of Heike Seibun). Compared to the simple tunes of the Heike biwa, the Satsuma biwa and Chikuzen biwa are more ornate and beautifully color the story in a memorable way. I hope you will listen to other Heike monogatari performances on the biwa.

I’d like to ask about Gion Seisha.

I’m very sorry, but I can’t do it because I haven’t yet studied Gion Shoja. There are 161 Heikyoku, 28 Denju, and 10 Hikyoku, and Gion Shoja is one of the Hikyoku. It is given after completing all the Heikyoku and Denju, and I don’t even know if I will be able to receive it. Although it is not Heikyoku, you can find Gion Shoja being performed by various performers on the Satsuma Biwa and Chikuzen Biwa on YouTube, so I hope you will listen to it there. They are all wonderful. MORINORI is also working hard so that he can learn it someday.

Can you teach me how to narrate Heikyoku and Heike biwa?

I’m very sorry, but MORINORI does not teach Heikyoku narration or Heike biwa. Please accept my apologies.

Is what is labeled as a course a course on the heike biwa?

Those labeled as lectures are for participants to recite the Tale of the Heike and then listen to the Heikyoku. This is not a course to learn Heike biwa or storytelling. Please understand that this is not a course to learn Heike biwa or storytelling.

About the lecture and the concert.

Where can I apply?

Please click on the page you wish to apply from the “Courses/Concerts” page, and then click the “Click here to apply” button at the top of the page. You will be redirected to the event page, so please fill out the necessary information by clicking the “Apply” button on the page.

I would like to apply for participation by more than one person (group).

We are now accepting applications for more than one person. Please note that payment must be made by credit card by the representative person.

Can I apply by phone or email?

We are sorry, but please apply from the application page that will be transferred from each course/concert page.

Can I cancel my participation?

Yes, it is possible. Please contact us at least one day prior to the event date and time by clicking on the link on the event page attached to the e-mail, or by us.

I received a cancellation notice after submitting my application.

We are very sorry, but we will not accept applications from those who have cancelled many times in the past or those who are found to be disruptive to participants, the venue, or the performers. Thank you for your understanding.

Where can I make payment?

For those with pre-payment attached to the event page, payment will be made at the time of registration. For those with payment on the day of the event, please pay at the venue on the day of the event.

What payment methods are available?

To avoid confusion on the day of the event, payment is to be made by credit card at the time of application. For meetings that accept cash payment on the day of the event, we will inform you separately.