2024/09/24 [Concert] Off the Coast of Nachi – The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep by Heike biwa


Tuesday, September 24, 2024, 13:00-14:00, Fee: 2200 yen (tax included), Capacity: 6 people, Program: The Tale of the Heike, Volume 10, “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui”

This page is an event guide for Tuesday, September 24, 2024. For details of the event on Tuesday, August 27, please see here: https://morinorijapan.com/lecture-and-performance/20240827 The Tale of the Heike, Listened to by Heike Biwa, to be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, will be a “Kanagawa Cultural Program Certified” and “Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural Festival Participation Program”. About this concert: The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep, is a concert where you can listen to Heikyoku, a recitation of The Tale of the Heike accompanied by Heike biwa, while lying down. Why not escape from your daily life and enter the world of The Tale of the Heike? You may feel sleepy from the difficult words and sounds, but it’s fine if you fall asleep. The sound of the Heike biwa and the narrator’s voice are the stage setting. Please create the scenery of the story in your mind. [Off the Coast of Nachi] We will be reciting “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui” from the 10th volume of the Heike Monogatari. Each story depicts the liberation from the suffering of this world and spiritual sublimation. Tokiyori and Yokobue’s story is about spiritual growth and liberation through becoming a monk, while Taira no Koremori chooses the path to enlightenment by ending his own life, severing his lingering feelings for his family and companions. Tale of the Heike, Volume 10: Yokobue Taira no Koremori heads from Yashima to Koyasan, struggling with his feelings for his family left behind in the capital. There he met Takiguchi Nyudo (Takiguchi Tokiyori), a former lover who had turned to Buddhism despite his family’s objections, while still pining for Yokobue. This is the story of Yokobue, who inspired Takiguchi Nyudo to turn to Buddhism, and of how he watched over Taira no Koremori as he took his own life. Tale of the Heike, Volume 10: “Koremorijusui” After visiting the three sacred mountains of Kumano, TairanoKoremori and his party head for the sea. Before Koremori jumps into the water, Takiguchi-nyudo, who has seen how Koremori is wracked with thoughts of his family, wipes away his tears and, feigning composure, tries to persuade him. The play depicts Koremori’s final moments, as he cuts off his lingering attachments and chooses the path of enlightenment. Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024 Time: 13:00 – 14:00 (Doors open at 12:40) Capacity: 6 people Program: Tale of the Heike, Volume 10 “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui” Type: Concert (After a short modern-language translation commentary at the beginning, you will listen to the performance. ) *Please remove your shoes before entering this venue. Yoga mats are available. Price: 2,200 yen (tax included) Payment: Pre-payment (credit card payment on the reservation site) Application deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024 To apply, please click here: https://select-type.com/ev/?ev=toxi6BQDJCE This concert is by reservation only. We apologize, but if you have not made a reservation by the day before, you will not be able to enter the venue even if you arrive on the day of the event. In addition, for the quality of the performance and the experience of our customers, we do not allow entry after the performance has started. Please understand. Venue: kt.Space 1-15 Aioi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan Second Toshou Building B1F 7-minute walk from Kannai Station on the Blue Line 5-minute walk from Nihon-odori Station on the Minato Mirai Line *On the side of the main road, there is an entrance on the left side of the building facing the Hotto Motto store. Please note that there is also an entrance to the narrow alley, but you cannot enter or exit from there.
[Request] For privacy reasons, we ask that you do not take photos, videos, or audio recordings. Please understand. If the event is canceled due to a typhoon or traffic conditions, we will notify you by the day before.