
Report|DAY1|Yokohama Triennale Support Program “Chikubushimamoude” Heike biwa Concert

The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike Biwa @ Yokohama|The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike Biwa @ Yokohama|Chikubushimamoude” was held on March 15, 2024, the first day of the event. This concert is registered as a supporting program for the 8th Yokohama Triennale and is being held at venues in Yokohama on March 15, April 19, and May 17.

▼Click here for a video of the show (audio only, 1:53 min.)
The Tale of the Heike, Vol. 7 “Chikubushimamoude”
*Please note the volume.
Some parts may be difficult to hear due to the sound of the venue being left intact.

The venue we were served is a quiet basement studio usually used for yoga and fitness. The venue is so quiet and comfortable that you can hear the second hand of a wall clock. The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep type of concert is telling a beautiful or sad scene from the Tale of the Heike, and I changed the repellent I usually use because it is too energetic. This plectrum was a gift from my master, and when I received it, I thought my heart would burst out of my mouth with joy. It is reassuring to know that he is coming to the venue with me.

▼Master Seishu Suda will be speaking on March 23, 2024. Please come.


What was foreshadowed this time was the obi and hairstyle of the hakama. At a time like this, my chest…I can’t breathe! My head, my U-pin…hurts! I will study again so that I will be okay next time.

I was grateful for the feedback I received after the performance. I was surprised at the freshness of the audience who had never heard the storytelling and Heike biwa, which I take for granted. I would like to be able to make people want to listen to the Tale of the Heike again and to listen to various types of biwa. I have a lot of challenges, but I also have a lot of dreams! I will cherish my daily practice and performance opportunities. Thank you to everyone who listened, to the Yokohama Triennale, to the venue owner, and to the support staff.

We are presenting the same program in April and May, so please come if you have time. We look forward to seeing you at the venue.

【Date and time】
Heike Biwa at Yokohama|Listening to the Tale of the Heike at Yokohama|Chikubushimamoude

Friday, March 15, 2024, 13:30-14:30 Finished
Friday, April 19, 2024, 13:30-14:30
To apply, please visit: https://select-type.com/ev/?ev=Qrnk8z0dOv4
Friday, May 17, 2024, 13:30-14:30
To apply, please visit: https://select-type.com/ev/?ev=VrDNHOm4SCg

Capacity: 8 persons per session
Fee: 2,200 yen (including tax)
Payment is made by credit card on the application page.
*Please remove your shoes to enter this venue. Yoga mats are provided.
This concert is by reservation only. We are sorry, but if you have not registered by the day before, you will not be admitted to the concert even if you arrive at the venue on the day of the performance. Also, for the sake of the quality of the performance and your experience, no one will be allowed to enter the venue after the performance begins. Thank you for your understanding.

B1F Daini Tosho Building, 1-15 Aioi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture

Blue Line Kannai station 7 min. walk
5 min. walk from Nihon-odori Sta. on the Minatomirai Line
The entrance is located on the left side of the street, with the “Hotto Motto” in front of it on the larger side of the street.
*Please note that there is another entrance in a narrow alley, but you cannot enter or exit from there.

The 8th Yokohama Triennale
Theme “Wildflowers: Living Here and Now
Official Site https://www.yokohamatriennale.jp/2024/
Artmorimori https://www.yokohamatriennale.jp/2024/many-many-arts
Support Program https://www.yokohamatriennale.jp/2024/support-program

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