A Little Scary Tale of the Heike Vol. 4 “Nue “

Voice Introduction.

Listen to the contents of this page in MORINORI’s voice
*Please note the volume

The Tale of the Heike, Vol. 4|Heikyoku “Nue” Sound

Please note the volume
Duration: 7 minutes 56 seconds
Recorded at rehearsal on July 18, 2024
Please note that some parts of the recording may be difficult to hear due to the sound of the venue being left intact.

report of an event

On July 18, 2024, “A Little Scary Tale of the Heike” was held at F Place, Fujisawa Community Center and Labor Hall Complex, Fujisawa City.

This was the first time we had the room reserved for the event. Thank you very much. We would also like to apologize to those who inquired about the event. Our apologies. We do not plan to perform “Nue” for a while, but we will consider it if there is a request.

We will not be able to rent the entire hall for the concert scheduled for later this year, but if you would like us to perform for your study group or for historical or cultural learning purposes, please feel free to contact us for details.

F Place Multipurpose Room 2
A short 40-minute concert where you sit and listen. The story was told while viewing a modern translation using a projector.

Dress for performance
Hakama in shades of green, blue-green obi, egg-colored kimono

Composition of the day

1: The Tale of the Heike and the Biwa
2: Modern translation and narration
3: That one may still be alive.

First I talked a little about the Heike biwa and the Tale of the Heike. I use the Heike biwa for my storytelling, and I read the music score in sumi ink. Even though the story of the Tale of the Heike is the same, the music, performance, and lyrics are different for different biwa players, so the charm of the story is endless! I would be happy if you could experience the various sounds of the biwa.

MinamotonoYorimasa’s “Nue” (The Tale of the Heike), the fourth volume of the Tale of the Heike, tells the story of MinamotonoYorimasa’s exploits during his lifetime. Yorimasa and Prince Ninin launched an army to overthrow the Heike, but they were unable to match the power of the Heike at the time. The army, which is said to have influenced the later overthrow of the Heike, ended in defeat, but in the Tale of the Heike, “Nue” is told as a story of Yorimasa’s past exploits after the military defeat.

Yorimasa is portrayed in the tale as a man who composed poems, repelled change, and excelled in both literary and military arts. In the Tale of the Heike, there are frequent scenes in which a person’s past is described after the end of an army or after someone has died. I recommend reading the Tale of the Heike with this in mind. To use an analogy (though it is a leap), it is like watching a program that airs on the night after the summer Koshien battle is over and learning that the losers have stories to tell as well. There are various places in the Tale of the Heike where we look at the losers.

This time, we decided to tell the story of the scene where Yorimasa shoots down the object of change while viewing a modern translation of the scene. Since we had borrowed a projector from the previous concert “Yoshitsune’s Voice: Short Performance Version” held at this venue, we were able to develop the performance smoothly this time.

Fujisawa City-Supported “Voices of Yoshitsune|Short Performance Version
Click here to see the report

The slides I prepared this time were subtly scary. I felt it would be really scary if I made it pitch black, so I proceeded calmly with the lights on. We continue to have a lot of issues on site for both Heike biwa and storytelling. We also found many improvements in the size and legibility of the text when using slides.

Here are the last slides of the concert.

The slightly scary Tale of the Heike is not so scary because I tell it with a synopsis of the modern translation in the middle of the story. However, I am telling you about the uncomfortable feeling I get when I tell the story with a Heike biwa and read the inkoku. This story may be a little scarier. Are there any Heike tales that you find scary? I am very scared of the story about the burning of the temple at the 2024 point.

This year’s small concert at Fujisawa F Place has finished. Thank you very much to everyone who came from afar and to F Place. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

F Place Performance History in 2024

June 18 ▶Report on the event is here.
Supported by Fujisawa City
Voice of Yoshitsune|Short Performance Version

March 20 ▶Report on the event is here.
The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep|Listen to Heike biwa at BIWANOTE
February 20 ▶Report on the event is here.
The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep|The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike biwa @ BIWANOTE

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