September 2024|The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike Biwa|Small Concert Schedule

Voice Introduction.

The contents of this page are introduced in MORINORI’s voice.
Please be careful with the volume.

List of small concert and lecture schedules

Click here for the annual schedule
Click here for the schedule for August 2024

Tuesday, September 10th – “Songs of That Person: Heike Monogatari, Vol. 10, ‘Yokobue'”

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Songs of That Person|Tale of the Heike, Volume 10 “Yokobue”

About this concert
This is a small concert in which the part of the song that symbolizes the scene is recited (sung) with accompaniment on the Heike biwa.

From the Heike Monogatari, Volume 10, “Yokobue
“Until I was shaved, I had nothing but resentment, but now I am on the true path of the Azumi bow, and I am happy.”
“Even if I am shaved, I have nothing but resentment. If I am to continue playing the Azumi bow, I must have a heart that is not filled with resentment.”

【Event Details】
Date: Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
Time: 10:40 – 11:00 (Doors open at 10:30)
*The performance will last for about 15 minutes
Program: “Yokobue” from the Heike Monogatari (Tale of the Heike)
Type: Sit and listen
Fee: Free
There is an admission fee (110 yen for residents of the town, 310 yen for non-residents)
Application: Not required (please come directly to the venue)

Ooisomachi Shigitatsuan (designated tangible cultural property of Ooisomachi)
1289 Oiso, Ooisomachi, Nakagun, Kanagawa Prefecture
7-minute walk from JR Oiso Station

Tuesday, September 24th: “The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike Biwa, listened to in one’s sleep”

The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one's sleep by Heike biwa. The Tale of the Heike, Vol. 10, "Yokobue" and "Koremorijusui". Held in Yokohama on September 24, 2024.

September 24th, 2024
Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural Festival Participation Program
The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike Biwa, listened to in one’s sleep

About this concert
The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep, is a concert where you can listen to Heikyoku, a recitation of The Tale of the Heike accompanied by Heike biwa, while lying down in bed. Why not escape from your everyday life and enter the world of The Tale of the Heike? You may feel sleepy from the difficult words and the sound of the music, but it’s okay if you fall asleep. The sound of the Heike biwa and the voice of the narrator are the stage setting. Please create the scenery of the story in your mind. *The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep, is a “Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural Festival Participation Program” to be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024.

[Off the Coast of Nachi]
We will be reciting “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui” from the Heike Monogatari, Volume 10. Each of these stories depicts the liberation from the suffering of this world and spiritual sublimation. Tokiyori and Yokobue achieve spiritual growth and liberation through the form of becoming a priest, while Koremori ends his own life, cutting off his lingering feelings for his family and friends and choosing the path to enlightenment.

Tale of the Heike, Volume 10: Yokobue
Tairano Koremori, with thoughts of his family back in the capital, heads from Yashima to Koyasan, struggling with his emotions. There he meets Takiguchi Nyudo (Saito Takiguchi Tokiyori), a man who once loved a woman named Yokobue, but who, despite his family’s objections, went on to become a Buddhist priest. This is the story of Yokobue, who inspired Takiguchi Nyudo to take up Buddhism, and of the way he saw off the end of Taira no Koremori.

Tale of the Heike, Volume 10: “Koremori Jusui”
After visiting the three Kumano Shrines, Tairano Koremori and his party head for the sea. Before Koremori jumps into the water, Takiguchi Nyudo, who sees how Koremori is struggling with his feelings for his family, wipes away his tears and, feigning composure, tries to persuade Koremori. The story depicts Koremori’s final moments, as he cuts off his lingering feelings and chooses the path of enlightenment.

Full modern translation of the synopsis
Click here for “Yokobue
Click here for “Koremorijusui”.

[Off the Coast of Nachi]
The feature page has been updated! The audio of the second half of the Heikyoku “Koremorijusui” and the narration by Takiguchi Nyudo has been uploaded.

Event Details
Date: Tuesday, September 24th, 2024
Time: 13:00 – 14:00 (Doors open at 12:40)
Capacity: 6 people
Program: The Tale of the Heike, Vol. 10 “Yokobue” and “Koremorijusui”
Type: The Tale of the Heike, listened to in one’s sleep (brief commentary, Heike biwa performance and narration)
Please take off your shoes before entering the venue. Yoga mats are available.
Fee: 2,200 yen (tax included)
Payment: Pre-payment (credit card payment via the reservation site)
Application deadline: Monday, September 23, 2024
Apply here:

2nd Toshou Building B1F, 1-15 Aioi-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture
7-minute walk from Kannai Station on the Blue Line
5-minute walk from Nihon-odori Station on the Minatomirai Line
The entrance is on the left-hand side of the building, facing the large road and the Hotto Motto restaurant.
Please note that there is also an entrance in a narrow alley, but you cannot enter or exit from there.

Friday, September 27th: Reading Lecture “Kisosaigo (Part 1)”

September 27, 2024
Reading Course: Kisosaigo (Part 1) @ KamakuraKomachian

About this course
This is a reading course held at the Kamakura study hall “KamakuraKomachian”. The course is structured so that you can listen to The Tale of the Heike Listened to by Heike Biwa accompaniment while reading the story (please note that this is not a course that teaches how to sing or play the instrument). Even if you don’t understand the story or the words are difficult, that’s okay. We will proceed slowly using a hiragana text.

In June and July, I gave a small concert in Kamakura called “Kiso Yoshinaka looks back”, in which I recited the Heikyoku “Kiso Saigo”, but there wasn’t enough time. I’ve had to shorten it, so I’d like to divide it into two parts for the reading course. The September course will cover the first part, up to the point where Tomoe shows us the last battle. The October course will cover the second part, from the point where Tomoe and Imaishirokanehira are alone together, but there may be some slight changes. Please forgive me.

Tale of the Heike, Volume 9 “Kisosaigo
Kiso Yoshinaka is cornered. He urges Tomoe, a female warrior who has remained loyal to him until the end, to leave the battlefield with him. After much conflict, Tomoe decides to part with Yoshinaka and takes on one last battle. After that, the only one left by Yoshinaka’s side is Imai Shiro Kanehira. The deep bond and promise they had made. Kanehira sent Yoshinaka to Awazu no Matsubara, and in order to buy Yoshinaka some time to kill himself, he stood alone against his enemy.

Click here for the full text of the modern translation of Kisosaigo.

Course Summary
Date: Friday, September 27, 2024
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 (Doors open at 9:40)
Capacity: 6 people
Program: “Kisosaigo” from the Tale of the Heike, Volume 9
(This is a reading course for the first half of the story)
Type: Reading + storytelling (After reading together, we will listen to a performance of Heike biwa and storytelling)
Fee: 2,200 yen (tax included)
Payment: Pre-payment (credit card payment on the reservation site)
Application deadline: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Click here to apply:

2-6-16-2 Komachi, Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture
5-minute walk from the West Exit of JR Yokosuka Line Kamakura Station

KamakuraKomachian Website
Access to the venue

Come, join us in the world of the Tale of the Heike.
We look forward to seeing you at the venue.

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